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Forecast systems that deliver solutions

Global Systems Laboratory

The Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) is one of ten NOAA Research Laboratories and is located in Boulder, Colorado. Our research improves environmental prediction models, develops state-of-the-science decision support tools, visualization systems, and uses high-performance computing technology to support a Weather-Ready Nation.

GSL strives to advance its workforce scientifically, technically, and professionally. We are also committed to increased diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility as well as a strong foundation for career growth.

GSL's research serves the nation

The research we do improves weather data, forecasts, and computing techniques used by industry, decision-makers, and stakeholders.

Our work makes the nation's operations safer and more efficient, helps protect lives and property, and promotes economic prosperity.

Public Safety

Public Safety

GSL’s models and technology help emergency managers respond to weather threats quickly.



Our tools help the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reduce air traffic delays and increase safety.



GSL’s weather models enable the energy industry to plan for the variable nature of wind and solar energy.

Fire Weather

Fire Weather

Decision support systems and smoke models developed by GSL help with wildfire operations.

Latest News


GSL scientists survey second site for fire weather research

July 01, 2024

NOAA GSL, Global Monitoring Lab (GML), Air Resources Lab (ARL), and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) scientists surveyed possible new observation sites near Flagstaff, Arizona for fire weather research. Flagstaff was impacted by three wildfires in June of 2022 that caused the evacuation of hundreds of residents....

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​GSL welcomes our 2024 summer intern cohort!

June 26, 2024

Meet our summer interns!Chuck Baker (University of Maryland) (Dave Turner, Jason English) My path to GSL has been shaped by extensive work in atmospheric research, particularly on the planetary boundary layer (PBL). At NOAA's Air Resources Laboratory (ARL), I developed strong skills in data analysis and model validation. During my...

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Inclusive Design Seminar Series

June 21, 2024

GSL's User Experience Expert Dmitri Atrash is hosting an "Inclusive Design Seminar Series" 11:30-12:30 MT every other Wednesday. These are bi-weekly recorded video sessions planned for 45 minutes, 30 minutes of content and 15 minutes allotted for follow-ups and Q&A. The series begins with an introduction to inclusive design, underscoring...

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Successful Projects

Research-to-Operations (R2O)

Research-to-Operations (R2O)

GSL has a history of successfully transitioning atmospheric research into advanced products and services for weather operations.

Learn more about R2O
Regional Models

Regional Models

We are the leader in developing and evolving regional weather models. The Rapid Refresh, High-Resolution Rapid Refresh, and RAP Smoke are just a few.

Learn more about our models
Unified Forecast System

Unified Forecast System

GSL is part of a major community effort to develop a coupled, comprehensive Earth modeling system.

Read how GSL supports the UFS

GSL Mission

Lead research and directed development through the transition of environmental data, models, products, tools, and services to support commerce, protect life and property, and promote a scientifically literate public.

Research Areas

Organizational Excellence, Earth System Prediction, Advanced Technologies, and Decision Support are the foundation to achieving the GSL Grand Challenge: Deliver actionable global storm-scale prediction and environmental information through advanced technologies to serve society.